Big N Radio

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Wii-Mote

Here is the latest version of the Wii controller and the nunchuck attachement. The pointer can sense all of your movements from left to right, up and down, and even if you move forwards or backwards(great for fighting games...)It also contains a speaker for sounds such as gunshots when you fire and this will help to immerse you in the game. On the face of the controller you will see the A button and a D-pad, which will be used in Wii games. The 1 and 2 buttons will be used when you hold the controller vertically. There are 3 buttons in the center. One marked, "home," and the other two have a plus and a minus sign which are most likely used to regulate the volume of the built in speaker. The underside of the pointer has a B button trigger and a built in rumble pack. The Nunchuck unit can sense movement as well, and it has an analog stick and two triggers marked C and Z underneath. The controllers communicate with the system through bluetooth technology.

The next controller is what will be used when playing downloaded games from the virtual console. For those of you who don't know what the virtual console is, I'll explain it. The virtual console is an online service that is built into the Wii, and it allows you to download classic games from the original Nintendo Entertainment System(NES), the Super Nintendo Emtertainment System(SNES) the Nintendo 64, the Sega Genesis, and the TurboGrafx systems.

On the left is a picture of the pointer(right) and the virtual console controller(left).
It is very likely that the pointer and the nunchuck attachement will be included in the packaging of the Wii because they are the main controllers that you use, but the virtual console controller will most likely be sold separately. All of the controllers have a very slick look and feel to them that is similar to that of the new Nintendo DS lite which is coming on June 11th.


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