Big N Radio

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Problems Galore

We are having so many hosting problems right now that I think I may have to change the name of the podcast to Super Sony Radio. Coop, who is by FAR the most technical member of the crew, has been working for literally hours today trying to find a host that is both functional, and suits our needs. We were forced to switch from the Apple hosting due to KZero's lack of intelligence/laziness/unwillingness of being in the podcast/etc. and now everything is difficult. We've switched between several hosts right now, and at the moment we are still looking for one that we can use. We think that we have a host that will work, but there were several others that we thought would work as well, so who knows...

I'll post as soon as we know for sure that we have a host and that everything is alright. Sorry for all of the inconveniance, but Coop is doing everything he can, plus a little more to try and straighten this out.


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